After six rollovers without a jackpot winner in sight, the renowned American Powerball lottery continues to rise and get hotter as the summer advances. The US Powerball rose from its $94 million offered Saturday jackpot to $116 million, which means an increase of more than half the lottery’s $40 million starting point.
As the winning numbers: 2, 8, 22, 35, 37 and Powerball 6 were drawn on July 13th, US lotto players from around the continent spread their happiness as they became the most recent Powerball $1 million winners.
There were five winning lottery tickets worth $1 million each from Saturday’s draw matching the first five numbers. According to Powerball officials the second prize winning tickets were purchased from New Jersey, California, Idaho, Oklahoma and New York.
The New Jersey winning ticket was purchased at Country Farms Food Market in Newfield. Details regarding the winner are still unknown, as remains for the June 22nd Powerball jackpot winner. A ticket for that draw, purchased in South Philadelphia, which is turned in with the matching winning numbers: 13, 19, 23, 33, 57 and Powerball 28 will be worth the awaiting $131.5 million first prize.
Moving south, an additional July 13th draw winner was created! The lucky ticket was purchased in Tulsa, Oklahoma at the Food Pyramid. Up until now, the Oklahoma Lottery has had four Powerball jackpot winners and this most recent $1 million win is the local lottery’s 29th prize of a million or more.
Among those five winning tickets are Utah winners father and son, Mike and Chris Middlemiss. The two have been playing the Powerball lottery together for years with the promise that if they won big, they’d split the win! The lottery’s last draw won them $1 million as they matched the first five numbers. Chris says this win arrived at the best time possible; the phone call bearing good news from his father came in while he and his wife were trying to figure out creative ways to come up with money for a house down payment. He recalls purchasing the ten-draw lottery ticket back in late June: “It was my birthday, and my family and I were returning from Lava Hot Springs and we stopped at the new Kwik Stop store in Malad to pick up our tickets on the way home”. The Kwik Stop store, near the Idaho-Utah border, will receive a $20,000 bonus from the Idaho Lottery for selling a winning ticket.